Senin, 12 Desember 2016

Batik is the art of painting on cloth.

Batik is the art of painting on white cloth.
to give an motif that has a specific pattern with which a special way,
motif formed with a liquid wax that is called the night
to the cloth in a certain way
and continue with the specific process.
Batik Indonesia as overall good technical,technological and development motif,culture-related,has been established by UNESCO
as a cultural heritage of humanity forms of oral and non-material (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity)
from the date of October 2,2009.
Variety tradisional motif Batik indonesia of Indonesia's national museum
Indonesian batik many sourced from prehistoric times such as decorative geometric motifs and symbolism.
 Variety Batik can be grouped that grow in the palace,
especially in Central Java,Cirebonan,
such as Batik Yogyakarta and Batik Cirebon.
Motif generated based on the philosophy of culture that refers
to spiritual values.
Motifs traditional Batik is retained
and is still used in traditional ceremonies at specific events,
because usually each style has a representation of each
 Variety batik is growing outside the palace,experiencing changes in foreign cultural influence of the traders from China and the Dutch colonial period.

Initially Batik or the art of painting on white cloth,
only use a cloth Mori,
motif formed with a liquid wax that is called the night
and how to manufacture/process using only the hands.
In accordance with the progress of time
Batik art of painting can also be used on other cloth as silk, rayon,polyester and other materials,and the techniques of
make it batik and motifs or patterns on a more varied.

The technique of making batik painting
Batik is a technique rekalatar,which process is using some sort
of with a liquid wax  that is usually called the night.

There are 3 kinds of techniques of making batik painting
1.Batik Handmade.(Batik tulis)
depicts a pattern on the cloth using hands,
motif formed with a liquid wax that is called the night
using canting tool made of copper that functions as a pen
2.Batik Cap,
Batik motif or pattern resulting from the process of dyeing a kind of
a tool made from copper formed in such a way on the fabric
3.Batik Printing
technique of making batik process is similar to the manufacture
of textile fabrics in general,

As for batik motifs or patterns can be grouped into several types
1.Motif Geometris with geometric patterns and motifs with a helical pattern.
2.Motif Flora with patterns of leaves,
flowers and plants are spread,etc
3.Motif Fauna with with pattern of butterfly,birds,etc
4.Motif Natural with patterns of rocks
and clouds,etc

Batik is a craft that has high artistic value
and has become part of Indonesian culture since a long time
It turns out almost the entire territory of Indonesia,
have Batik with each characteristic in accordance
with the environment and local cultural traditions.
But who is more widely known is the art of batik from Java,
like Batik from Cirebon,Pekalongan and Yogyakarta.
Cirebon batik motif has its own characteristics in making motif
Motif Mega Mendung most popular and even become the hallmark
of the city of Cirebon.
Motif Batik Mega mendung filled with a cloud-shaped pattern
with dark colors given as dark blue,dark red,dark green and so on.
Cirebon batik motif also has a lot of plants and birds and butterflies
and the colors varied,
Batik Cirebon also influenced by Chinese culture
and the Dutch colonial period.
Most of pekalongan batik motif is still dominated by plant motifs
and fauna.
Batik Pekalongan influenced by Chinese culture and Cirebon motifs brought by merchants who stopped in the city of Pekalongan.
Yogyakarta batik motif some traditional batik motif is only used
by the family palace of Yogyakarta and Surakarta.
Yogyayakarta batik motif has variety of very many and beautiful from geometric pattern,flowers,plants fauna,etc.                                    
I don't know much about batik,at the time I bought because I liked the batik motifs and colors,
I sometimes wear batik at the family event.
and I also have a collection of batik is not much there that I bought
and the legacy of my mother and my grandmother.
I deliberately wrote an article about batik,
because I want to know more about batik
But it was only a batik from several areas in Java,
and this is still a bit of insight I got from Indonesian batik.
Because batik in Indonesia has a wide variety of patterns
of different motifs
and the way to make it different in every region in Indonesia.
In West Sumatra have Batik clay,has a way of giving the color/dyeing using clay.
Maybe I could see Batik clay later when I visited West Sumatra again.