Senin, 26 Desember 2016

The 4th Contemporary Ceramics Biennale, Ways of Clay

I'm trying to get used to using the camera,
so I'm used to and I feel comfortable using it,
because before I used my mobile phone camera,
which I use from 2012, and I have been accustomed to,
and practical,can be anywhere and anytime,
and I'm very easy to do,from taking a picture,select a picture,edit,
and share picture.
I'm not going to learn to use it technically,maybe later.

This is for the first time using my camera.
I tried to take pictures at an exhibition of ceramics.
The 4th Jakarta Contemporary Ceramics Biennale,Ways of Clay.

There are three rooms used for exhibitions (A, B, C),
there are many ceramic works of various exhibitors
and from different countries.
and here I will be showing pictures from the exhibition,
some pictures of every room of the exhibition.

Of the room A,is the main exhibition hall.
Here are many ceramic works are interesting,
and some that I see.

In room B,I saw,and more impressed with the work of ceramic
and display different.

In room C, almost the same as the others,but here is the use of native clay,and without color.

I think for the next if I want to use my camera,
I have to plan and prepare in advance,
because it is not as easy as using a mobile phone camera🤔☺