Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

The oldest coal mining town in Indonesia

Sawahlunto is one of the oldest coal mine town in Indonesia,
which was built in the Dutch colonial period in 1888.
Sawahlunto city has many historic buildings,
a legacy of the Dutch colonial period.
Some of the features of the legacy still exists.

Government Sawahlunto (municipal authority),Tambang Batu Bara Bukit Asam Persero Tbk,the mining infrastructure),
and The Indonesian Railways Co the main operator of the public railway in Indonesia),
Committed to working together to preserve Sawahlunto authenticity Old Mining Town.
and making Sawahlunto city as City tours cultured mine.

My mother is a native of one of the districts located in the city of Sawahlunto.
This photos all when I visited my mother's hometown in January 2014 and May 2015,
Sawahlunto city views from Puncak Cemara (one of the attractions that exist in Sawahlunto)
Some of the attractions in the city Sawahlunto.
Museum Gudang Ransum / Museum warehouse ration or public kitchens,for miners and railroad workers.
Museum Kereta Api /Railway Museum.
Museum Tambang /Mining museum mbah suro.
The entrance to the mine.
I did not get into the mining museum.
Historic building which still maintained its authenticity.
Office Bukit Asam Coal Mine Persero Tbk,