Indonesia has not only art of batik painting as a cultural heritage.But it has the art of weaving,weaving Ikat and weaving Songket is one of the cultural heritage to be proud of and preserved.
Since prehistoric times,the ancestors of the Indonesian nation have become accustomed to weaving techniques.This is reinforced by the discovery of pottery from the neolithic era where there is a coarse woven fabric and several findings of other woven fabric fragments.
And almost in all regions of Indonesia has a culture of weaving cloth,
Each area has a woven fabric,with a different style and
has its own characteristics,with a different name.
The art of Weaving( Tenun ulos) from North Sumatra
-The art Of Weaving,its existence and that exist in the territory of Indonesia.
The art of weaving is closely related to the system of knowledge, culture,belief,natural environment,and social organization system in society.In general, songket cloth is used on formal occasions such as traditional,religious,or wedding events.
Weaving work,person only works according to the pattern that has been determined. So,the weaving craft is a collective work,the weavers are usually done by women,both young and old.
The motives of the past until now inherited from generation to generation,the pattern does not change,because how to pattern the motive itself is only done by certain people,and not every weaver can make his own motives.
Motifs of weaving Tenun Ikat and Tenun Songket are generally shaped,geometric and flora and fauna,motif mixture between plants and geometric.from the natural of the local people,
each motif has a good symbol,
Some weaving motifs (my colections)
-Weaving techniques are commonly done in Indonesia.
weaving is a crosslinking process of warp threads and weft threads based on flat woven patterns using looms.the function is a long vertical parallel with the length of cloth at the time of weaving.the feed yarn is a yarn that is width horizontally aligned to the width of the fabric.
this flatter woven pattern is happening together and evenly.
TENUN IKAT.(Weaving Ikat)
The flat weaving technique commonly used for Tenun Ikat is the By binding,
The fabric pattern is made by binding certain parts of the yarn until the color does not absorb in certain parts at the time of immersion. The uncolored part will form a pattern on the fabric when the fabric is woven.Sections to be colored according to shades and tied in clusters of threads.
Weaving Ikat/Tenun ikat are available in various regions of Indonesia,the areas in which famous for Tenun ikat.
Tenun TorajaTenun Sintang,Tenun Jepara,Tenun Ikat Lurik Tenun Buna Insana,Tenun troso,Tenun Lombok,Tenun Sumbawa,Sumba,Flores,and Timor, etc-
-The type Double binding,incorporation / from weaving of warp yarn and weaving of weft yarn,which has been given motif through binding technique before dipped into dye.
such as weaving Tenun Gringsing from Tenganan,Karangasem, Bali is the only fabric in Indonesia made from double bundle technique.
TENUN SONGKET Weaving Songket
Basically, both weaving and songket weaving are not much different. They are both made by weaving two types of nodes whose lanes are made vertically and horizontally through the aid of tools and wooden blades.Only on songket,there is additional technique in the form of hills or The cukit technique,that is, there is a yarn part before it is woven into another path lifted and half twisted first using a tool. However,this technique has no great effect on songket texture,and the most distinguishing songket with ordinary weaving type is none other than The type of yarn used.
On the songket,there is always a gold thread or silver thread adorned on the surface of the fabric.
Europeans and Americans call this weaving method as an inlay weaving system.
Songket cloth is a kind of traditional woven fabric belonging to brocade woven family.
Indonesia as a rich country with various types of traditional weaving, and the island of Sumatra is very famous with traditional weaving that has a very diverse diversity,
Each region in the region even has its own weaving characteristics, weaving songket aceh from special areas Banda aceh,
such as in the area of northern Sumatra with Tenun ulos and Tenun songket Batubara,and others.
This is my collections / from my grandfather who is over 100 years old, this is given at a traditional ceremony,the birth of the first child.
Ulos wears are used for scarves and have many types and are each used for traditional ceremonies.
Weaving songket Batubara,
In Sumatra island the famous songket production center comes from Minang kabau (West Sumatera) and Palembang (South Sumatera)
In West Sumatra there are two regions known as songket woven producers.Pandai Sikek in Tanah Datar regency, Silungkang,in Sawahlunto regency.
The art of weaving from Silungkang has advantages on the motive.
Silungkang Songket decorative motif there are two kinds of songket are:
- Songket weavers with decorative colors formed by gold and silver threads
- Songket weavers with ornamentation formed from makao yarn and colored yarn.
The difference is that the variety of decorative songket cloth looks prominent.In Silungkang and Pandai Sikek woven base or background is usually dark red (vermillion red), dark green, or dark blue.
Weaving songket Silungkang,(my collection)
I have two types of songket weaving from silungkang,this old songket weaving made of gold thread,
and this one is made of makao yarn/ordinary yarn.
Motif weaving or songket silungkang
In 2012,at the songket weaving exhibition/Variety Tenun songket that is old from silungkang,I'm interested to photograph it.
Weaving Songket Pandai Sikek
South Sumatra/Palembang is very famous for its songket,has hundreds of motifs of songket and ikat weaving and some of these songket weaving motifs already have patents.
Tenun Songket Palembang at a glance seems its influence on the weaving in Jambi,Riau,and North Sumatra.
Weaving Songket Palembang.
Since prehistoric times,the ancestors of the Indonesian nation have become accustomed to weaving techniques.This is reinforced by the discovery of pottery from the neolithic era where there is a coarse woven fabric and several findings of other woven fabric fragments.
And almost in all regions of Indonesia has a culture of weaving cloth,
Each area has a woven fabric,with a different style and
has its own characteristics,with a different name.
The art of Weaving( Tenun ulos) from North Sumatra
The art of weaving is closely related to the system of knowledge, culture,belief,natural environment,and social organization system in society.In general, songket cloth is used on formal occasions such as traditional,religious,or wedding events.
Weaving work,person only works according to the pattern that has been determined. So,the weaving craft is a collective work,the weavers are usually done by women,both young and old.
The motives of the past until now inherited from generation to generation,the pattern does not change,because how to pattern the motive itself is only done by certain people,and not every weaver can make his own motives.
Motifs of weaving Tenun Ikat and Tenun Songket are generally shaped,geometric and flora and fauna,motif mixture between plants and geometric.from the natural of the local people,
each motif has a good symbol,
Some weaving motifs (my colections)
Weaving Ikat motif Silungkang
Weaving motif from Bali
Motif Weaving Ikat from Palembang south sumatera
Weaving Songket Silk from Ujung pandang South Sulawesi
The art of weaving,is the human handicraft,on fabrics made of yarn, silk, wood fiber,cotton and others,-Weaving techniques are commonly done in Indonesia.
weaving is a crosslinking process of warp threads and weft threads based on flat woven patterns using looms.the function is a long vertical parallel with the length of cloth at the time of weaving.the feed yarn is a yarn that is width horizontally aligned to the width of the fabric.
this flatter woven pattern is happening together and evenly.
TENUN IKAT.(Weaving Ikat)
The flat weaving technique commonly used for Tenun Ikat is the By binding,
The fabric pattern is made by binding certain parts of the yarn until the color does not absorb in certain parts at the time of immersion. The uncolored part will form a pattern on the fabric when the fabric is woven.Sections to be colored according to shades and tied in clusters of threads.
Weaving Ikat/Tenun ikat are available in various regions of Indonesia,the areas in which famous for Tenun ikat.
Tenun TorajaTenun Sintang,Tenun Jepara,Tenun Ikat Lurik Tenun Buna Insana,Tenun troso,Tenun Lombok,Tenun Sumbawa,Sumba,Flores,and Timor, etc-
-The type Double binding,incorporation / from weaving of warp yarn and weaving of weft yarn,which has been given motif through binding technique before dipped into dye.
such as weaving Tenun Gringsing from Tenganan,Karangasem, Bali is the only fabric in Indonesia made from double bundle technique.
TENUN SONGKET Weaving Songket
Basically, both weaving and songket weaving are not much different. They are both made by weaving two types of nodes whose lanes are made vertically and horizontally through the aid of tools and wooden blades.Only on songket,there is additional technique in the form of hills or The cukit technique,that is, there is a yarn part before it is woven into another path lifted and half twisted first using a tool. However,this technique has no great effect on songket texture,and the most distinguishing songket with ordinary weaving type is none other than The type of yarn used.
On the songket,there is always a gold thread or silver thread adorned on the surface of the fabric.
Europeans and Americans call this weaving method as an inlay weaving system.
Songket cloth is a kind of traditional woven fabric belonging to brocade woven family.
Indonesia as a rich country with various types of traditional weaving, and the island of Sumatra is very famous with traditional weaving that has a very diverse diversity,
Each region in the region even has its own weaving characteristics, weaving songket aceh from special areas Banda aceh,
such as in the area of northern Sumatra with Tenun ulos and Tenun songket Batubara,and others.
This is my collections / from my grandfather who is over 100 years old, this is given at a traditional ceremony,the birth of the first child.
Ulos wears are used for scarves and have many types and are each used for traditional ceremonies.
Weaving songket Batubara,
My collection
originated from North Sumatra Batu bara district.has a motive that is very much and varied,maybe the number could reach hundreds.In Sumatra island the famous songket production center comes from Minang kabau (West Sumatera) and Palembang (South Sumatera)
In West Sumatra there are two regions known as songket woven producers.Pandai Sikek in Tanah Datar regency, Silungkang,in Sawahlunto regency.
The art of weaving from Silungkang has advantages on the motive.
Silungkang Songket decorative motif there are two kinds of songket are:
- Songket weavers with decorative colors formed by gold and silver threads
- Songket weavers with ornamentation formed from makao yarn and colored yarn.
The difference is that the variety of decorative songket cloth looks prominent.In Silungkang and Pandai Sikek woven base or background is usually dark red (vermillion red), dark green, or dark blue.
Weaving songket Silungkang,(my collection)
I have two types of songket weaving from silungkang,this old songket weaving made of gold thread,
and this one is made of makao yarn/ordinary yarn.
Motif weaving or songket silungkang
In 2012,at the songket weaving exhibition/Variety Tenun songket that is old from silungkang,I'm interested to photograph it.
Weaving Songket Pandai Sikek
South Sumatra/Palembang is very famous for its songket,has hundreds of motifs of songket and ikat weaving and some of these songket weaving motifs already have patents.
Tenun Songket Palembang at a glance seems its influence on the weaving in Jambi,Riau,and North Sumatra.
Weaving Songket Palembang.
The art of weaving, the art of high value, requires thoroughness, perseverance and patience in the process