Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Photography has brought me on G +

I've liked the photography from teens,
My father gave me a camera,
He often asked me to take a picture,when there is a family event.
and I also take pictures while traveling with a friends
For school assignments and lectures should be
supplemented with photos.

After I got married,I made photograph my childrens
At the moment they are born and they grow,
and In the events and activities they do
But this is all just for personal documentation
and the family album
I use the camera still in the process of wash and photos print.

I love taking pictures of my childrens,
On 2008 I made a photo album of childrens
and photographs of my family,
to share with friends and family who were on facebook
I use a camera phone and the picture is pretty good,
I feel this very fun and easy
Take a pictures and can directly upload.

After my childrens have many activities outside.
I have free time and want to get serious
with hobby photography.
I got advice from friend he is a photographer.
Many see the pictures made by a photographer,
doing a lot of take a picture for practice.

On October 30,2012,four years ago I joined G +
with the aim to learn photograpy,
I began to follow a few photographer 
and also joined by some of the photography community 
who are in G +
Every day I see their photos on my home page
It has become my habit until now ☺

At first in the G +
I don't know,will the make pictures like what?
Not easy to get a response,
plus1 and comments to pictures which I share here.

I trying to make flower photograpy
and began get responds to pictures that I post,
Plus 1 and the comments.
This has given the spirit and thrust to me
and make me stay on G +
Almost every day I share photos on G +

I took pictures of various types of flowers
and leaves that look unique,
before I didn't know much about the type of flowers,
only a common and often I see.
And then I started making landscape photography
I took the pictures when I traveling,
I love cooking and culinary want to learn
to make food photography,
I join a community food photography.
Photograpy architecture is also something
I like while still a teenager.

I took a pictures using smart phone cameras
Everything is so easy to do and very practical,
Take a pictures,
choose the photos that I likes
edit and upload to share.
This is one reason I don't use a camera
rather heavy to carry,
and to edit and share photos,using a PC / laptop.

Photography is divided into several large streams,
Art photograpy,Fine art photograpy,
Documentaries photograpy
Documentation of life or things about real and accurate
(recording what was real good object / person or event.
I learned photography just by looking and observing,
and a little guidance,advice from friend,
and read articles about photography.

Photography just my hobby,I just wanted to
make a picture to show the existence
and the differences that exist in my place,
and what I see and get from and where I am at that time.
could give me insight and inspirasi.dan also beneficial for me
and maybe able to add insight to others.

Because my habit to look Photograpy every day,
I can see a lot of things even though
I have never seen before and visited directly,
Various kinds of flowers and the natural beauty of various seasons
from different places in the world.
I get a lot of insight and inspiration from photography
that I have seen in G +

Photograpy can convey a lot of things,and provide information
of the existence and the difference somewhere,
the natural beauty of the various seasons,culture,architecture,
flowers and plants,food etc.

In the place/where I was,in my country
has many beautiful and interesting places
and a variety of flowers and tropical plants,
which may not have been many who saw it,
Many Tourists Coming from various countries to see Direct,
But not everyone has the opportunity to visit
and be able to see it directly.

4 years at G + learning photograpy and practice/take pictures
and also share pictures to the public,
I have had a lot of pictures,
So neatly arranged,and makes it easier to see and relearned
I categorize the photo according to the type of pictures
and make a collection.
At this moment I have four collections of flowers photograpy.
1.ROSES with colors https://plus.google.com/collection/E5Z1aB
2.FLOWER-PLANTS https://plus.google.com/collection/Y5y7aB
3.ORCHIDS FLOWER https://plus.google.com/collection/wY8ov
4.Flowers album photo collection https://plus.google.com/collection/ccErCB

5.Food&Bavarage Photograpyhttps://plus.google.com/collection/0lbVNB
6.ON my Trip https://plus.google.com/collection/YALtaB           
8.I'm Interesting to take a picture ☆☆https://plus.google.com/collection/UJCpv        
9.My theme 2016https://plus.google.com/collection/IW4STB
10.My Gallerie BW'xtra     https://plus.google.com/collection/EseySB
At first I didn't dare to try black and white photography
Worrying results are less good.
Now I'm learning black and white photography,
and it's fun 😊

In mid September 2016 I created a blog
because I wanted to try to write an article with a photo,
as an explanation of the articles that I created,
I plan to create articles every week,
And this somewhat reduces the activity on G +
Sometimes taking pictures for the article,
could not just once,and had to take a pictures again

But I loved it and gave me insight and new experiences.
I hope to stay healthy and Still can do.