Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

This palace is one of the works of Raden Saleh, becoming the nation's history.

The palace Raden saleh (2016)

The palace at the time of this condition,is very alarming,
Buildings are damaged and the authenticity of the building
has many revamped.

The palace was the residence of Raden Saleh Sjarif Boestaman.
(1810/1811-23 Apriln1880)
He is a painter Indonesian-Javanese ethnic Arabs.
He was a famous painter and pioneer of modern art Indonesian.
He studied painting in the Netherlands and worked
and lived in Europe for twenty years (1829-1851)

The palace is now the nation's history for Indonesian
and National Cultural Heritage protected
by the government Indonesia
and the local government of DKI Jakarta

Which will be maintained,conserved,
in accordance with the proper rules.
Currently planned for restoration
To restore the authenticity of the building of this palace
The palace Raden Saleh in the year 1875 -1885
Raden saleh palace's consists of middle and wings
with spacious verandas on all sides.

This palace is the work of Raden Saleh returning from Europe.
Built in tahun 1852 with spacious garden in the area of ​​Cikini.

He built this palace is based castle Callenberg
which at that time he was the guest of honor
at the Castle Callenberg are located in Germany.

Raden saleh does not draw a design of this palace in detail,
but more improvisation and displays strong artistic value.
The palace is a blend of European style,Arabic and Chinese.

And according to Indonesian architect, the building has
gothic architectural style and eclectic architecture style

Gothic style architecture
In Gothic architecture, the pointed arch used at any location
where a dome-shaped, both structural and dekoratif,

Eclectic style architecture
Blend of style and Repetition
The characteristics of the eclectic architectural styles
1. Repetition of old forms
2. Integrate the elements-elements in the form of its own,
and evolved into a new form.

Although the Palace has changed
form and authenticity.
But the ornaments and Pillars
floors,doors ,window still visible authenticity.