Senin, 07 November 2016

I came by train,one of the cultural heritage located in Jakarta

I chose railway station Jakarta Kota /Station Beos,
because it is one of the cultural heritage that is in jakarta.
(Jakarta Kota station is designated as cultural heritage
through Jakarta Governor Decree No.475 in 1993)
And I've never been there and seen it.

I will go to Jakarta Kota railway station,
to get the atmosphere,
I would take the train to go there.
I very rarely ride the train,
Maybe just a few times and it was for the purpose of travel
outside the city,
and it's been a long time in 1984 with friends to Surabaya,
Jogjakarta and purwokerto.
I ride from Cikini railway station headed to
Jakarta kota railway station
not until an hour I had arrived at the station in Jakarta kota.
I was with my daughter,she feel worried about me
and the environment there,
she stands beside or behind me when I took the pictures.

I see all use a computerized system,
only one exit from the station area
and also include restaurants,supermarkets,etc.
Of course,all the existing systems and facilities
for safety,convenience and comfort of rail passengers,

History Jakarta Kota Station
Jakarta Kota Station construction formerly known as Station Beos,
were completed on 19 August 1929
and officially used on 8 October 1929.
Station Beos architect Frans Johan Louwrens Ghijsels,
the Dutch nation,born in Tulungagung 8 September 1882 Central Java,
who graduated from architecture at Delft
Founded the architectural firm
Architectenbureau Algemeen Ingenieur (AIA),
together with his friends Hein von Essen and F.Stoltz.
Station Beos is one of the works of Frans Johan Louwrens Ghijselss
also known as Het Indische Bouwen
expression which is a blend between structure and modern western techniques combined with traditional forms of local style,
station design combined with an style art deco arcitecture,
which at that time affects the europe
Station Beos designed by Frans Johan Louwrens Ghijselss,
Impressive simplicity that has a high taste.

Details,Structure and the inside of station Jakarta kota.
Detail and structure of the right and left have in common except for
the middle / entrance.
Other details that caught my attention.

  The inside of the station Jakarta Kota and the facilities available.                                                                                                                              

On the outside of the station Jakarta Kota
I saw the bustle,the people who were there
as well as many public transport that was waiting for passengers
I felt a little apprehensive and uncomfortable,
and in a hurry when taking photos,
And I'm not much for taking pictures outside the station.