Kamis, 08 Februari 2018

Water always flows to the estuary.

Water is an essential compound for all life forms known to date on Earth,water covers almost 71% of the earth's surface.
Water is useful for the lives of all beings. (humans, animals, plants) They need water for their survival.
Water in its three forms,liquid in the sea,floating ice,and clouds in the air which is water vapor.
Water is mostly in the sea (saltwater) and in the ice layers (at poles and mountain peaks),but can also be present as clouds, rain, rivers,fresh water faces,lakes,moisture,and sea ice the water in these objects moves along a water cycle, namely through evaporation,rain,
and water flow above the surface of the ground (runoff,covering springs,rivers,estuaries) into the sea.
And water has become the inspiration of human beings for the philosophy of life and the wise word for the motivator in life,
and becomes the inspiration of painting and art photograpy.
There are three philosophies of water that are very noble and analogous to human behavior,
Water philosophy and its meaning
▪Teaching humility,
The nature of the water flowing to a low place,it teaches us to be humble.
▪Teaching Persistence
and water always flowing into the estuary,
the main thing that should be emulated from the journey of water to the estuary,is his attitude consistent.
Imagine,how many obstacles are traversed by the mountain water to reach the estuary?
Maybe he will stop at the river,stuck by the stone, then can just go into the ditch. But the water keeps flowing and arrives at its estuary.
It teaches us not to give up,
and always persists in achieving what we want.
▪Teaching flexibility,
Water is not rigid and can adapt anywhere. Look at the water if put in a multifarious container always follow the inhabited form.
In the Renaissance and afterwards water is represented more realistically. Many artists describe water in the form of movements - streams of water or rivers, turbulent seas, or even waterfalls - but many of them are happy with the objects of calm, silent water - lakes, rivers that barely flow, and undulating sea surfaces.
In each water determines the overall mood of the artwork,
In line with technological advances in the art of photography.
although water has no special meaning here and only serves as a complementary element, but it can be used in almost all branches of photography,from fashion to landscapes and etc.
Looks like I am also one of who is interested and likes water and as a photo object/ complementary element,and here are some of my photos.
Usually I am more interested in the existing reflections of water,both color and light and the shapes and movements that exist on the water.