Jumat, 30 Juni 2017

The atmosphere of Jakarta on Idul fitri holidays

Jarkarta residents are mostly migrants from various regions in Indonesia,and has become a tradition every Idul Fitri holidays/Lebaran,
a part of the citizens of Jakarta,return to their hometown, and this tradition is called Mudik Lebaran.
Not the same as the previous year,In 2017 the government of the Republic of Indonesia announced the National Holidays
from June 23 to July 3, 2017.
Jakarta is usually so crowded and also including one of the city is very famous for traffic jams.
And on yesterday afternoon I took the time to take some photos around the road protocol road which is very jammed in jakarta.
Like around the streets Merdeka Barat and M.Thamrin.
And around street Jendral Sudirman and Bundaran HI.

But this is only during Idul Fitri holidays atmosphere the roads in the city of  jakarta,
Which usually roads are very stuck,looks quiet and deserted,and not much traversed by a vehicle,
Nice to see the atmosphere of Jakarta like this,Jakarta is no longer jammed, not only during Idul Fitri holidays