Minggu, 23 Juli 2017

This building has caught my attention

Bank Indonesia also has many historic buildings that become the cultural heritage of Indonesia in several regions in Indonesia.
In Jakarta there are two(2) buildings of Bank Indonesia (BI)
and become the cultural heritage of Indonesia.
One of them has become the Museum of Bank Indonesia in Jl Pintu Besar Utara No of north jakarta,
But I've never visited it, but maybe I'll go there later.
Bank Indonesia building located on Jalan MH.Thambrin No. 2 central Jakarta.
This has long attracted attention and wanted to create an article.
I have entered Bank Indonesia office area (BI) but I am not allowed to take photo inside this Bank Indonesia office area.
So I just took a photo from outside the BI office area.
The old building was built by architect F. Silaban between 1958-1962, and is the first Government Building of the Republic of Indonesia, as the cultural heritage of this building is still very well maintained and maintained its authenticity.
The 9 storey building is built in Indonesian style, / Neo Traditional.
The entire side of the building is mounted raster concrete that serves as a retaining sunlight, On each side of the building covered by a cream-colored natural stone. Until now this building is still used by BI.
Overall the BI area has a building area of ​​18,000 m2.
And has now become an office area of ​​Bank Indonesia.
In the development of buildings in this area because of the need for work has several additional new buildings and mosques.
And very interesting there are two skyscrapers,
the tower Syafruddin Prawiranegara, and Radius Prawiro tower.
Bank Indonesia offices that successfully preserve historical buildings,
So look aligned with the new building in a blend with old buildings,